Thursday, August 23, 2007

Outshining the King

This summer was the 10th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana. I remember watching the television in disbelief 10 years ago as the tragic events were shared across the world. She was one of those people that you felt like you knew even though you never met her and I remember feeling so sad for her sons to have lost their mother at such a vulnerable age. I have read a few articles about her and as would be expected most of them shed a very positive light on the "People's Princess". One article, though, in comparing her with Camilla said that "Camilla, unlike Diana doesn't try to outshine Prince Charles". I got to thinking about that statement and initially got defensive....Diana did a lot of good things for a lot of people, it isn't her fault that she was more charismatic that Prince Charles, but I thought about it more and realized that yes, actually it was. And I had to ask myself, in using any of my gifts or abilities, do I ever end up outshining my King? Are people seeing me? or are they seeing Jesus in me? Diana knew what her "job" was when she married Prince Charles and as Christians we need to remember what our job the song says....Lord let me shine, shine like the moon, a reflection of you in all that I do, Lord let me be a light for your truth, light of the world I want to be used to shine for you.

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